This is the process here at Church of the Visitation of Christian Initiation of Adults where adults become full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church.
We welcome all who wish to participate fully in the Catholic Church. Our mission is to help God's people to prepare for full initiation in our faith.
This ministry offers instruction, care, and friendship to all those who wish to join us in faith. While some candidates come from other faiths, others may have been baptized as Catholics, but have not received the other sacraments. All receive instruction which enables them to enter our Catholic faith and complete the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, and Communion. Our team and the entire Visitation community support our candidates through their journey as we help them to grow in faith and become holy people. This ministry is a place where faith is enlightened and hearts are directed toward God. Our candidates are fostered and nurtured in accordance with the Spirit of Christ as they learn to participate in the Liturgy and become inspired to take part in apostolic activities.
Members of our team attend training classes and workshops, teach, serve refreshments, pray, participate in the Rites of the Ministry, answer questions, make telephone calls, and do all that is necessary to ensure a fruitful and blessed experience for our candidates.
Please call Dale Zanetti at ext. 104 for more information about this very rewarding Ministry. Please consider becoming part of our team.
Mark 16:15--He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."
RCIA - Why Are They Leaving? Why are we dismissing or sending forth our RCIA participants to Breaking Open the Word?
The dismissal of RCIA participants at Mass is not just an “extra thing” added to Mass that you just passively watch since you are not one of the people in RCIA. But you can take an active part by beginning to pray for the participants as they are being dismissed. The connection to the parish is very important to RCIA participants and it is important that they be aware of our union to them through prayer. We tell them you are praying for them so - you must!
Those being dismissed are in a period of intense formation and training as they continue their spiritual journey. They are on their way to receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
On their way we make sure that their formation includes Catechesis, accommodated to the liturgical year, and that it be solidly supported by celebrations of the Word, which introduce them to Church teaching, but that also foster their desire to participate in it.
Breaking Open the Word is tied to the cycle of readings and helps the participants delve deeply into the things that are unique to each liturgical season and prepares them to becoming full active participants.
Christ is present in the Mass in four unique ways: the Word, the Eucharist, the priest, and the people.
Recognizing Christ’s presence in the Word helps participants to recognize Christ’s presence in the other three ways, as well.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. We can only come to recognize Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist if we have recognized His Presence in the proclaimed Word and have allowed that Word to resonate inside of us so that it might affect our entire way of life.
Jesus is present through the Celebrant of the mass as our priests are messengers and servants of God. This means that Christ speaks through the celebrant as he celebrates the mass and proclaims the word of God.
Jesus is present through the people gathered in the Church as Jesus resides in everyone especially his baptized people who constitute his body as the Church. They will see your joy in worship. RCIA participants cannot yet join us in the reception of the Eucharist, but they are doing the necessary preparatory work so that they can do so later in the fullest way possible.
Want to learn how to work actively with others to spread the Gospel?
Breaking Open the Word helps RCIA participants to gradually join us in the task of worship and mission as they participate more and more in parish life and outreach to the community.
Keep in mind they are not being dismissed from something, but they are being dismissed to something. The RCIA participants are dismissed to learn how to become full active participants.
Those things will prepare them to join us in recitation of the Creed, which those to be baptized formally profess for the first time on the day of their Baptism and reception of the Eucharist which unites us not only to Christ but to the entire Church.
Our entire parish can be renewed through our participation in this important aspect of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Do you think you can share the Gospel with our participants?
We will provide you with training, materials, and support. Please contact Dale Zanetti in the Faith Formation Office at 722-477-7059 Ext. 104 or [email protected].